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Background Information


The NGO council is the umbrella body that brings together all registered NGOs in Kenya. It has a current membership of over,12000 members comprising international, regional and local NGOs. the NGO Council provides overall leadership to the NGOs Sector. 

It  champions the key values of probity, transparency, accountability, justice and good governance, Climate change, Health, Gender and development, Children’s rights, poverty alleviation, Peace, Population, Training, Counselling small scale enterprises, disability and any other issues that affect society at large. We enhance the self-regulation of our NGOs and assist them to realize their potential in improving services that improve the socio-economic status of Kenyan society in pursuit of sustainable development. 


Galvanizing development sector, strengthening of the voluntary sector, for promotion of organized civic action, and to promote collective NGOs and civil society action, based on mutual understanding, respect and knowledge. 

Establishment of the Council

Role Of Ngo Council
The NGO Council Strives to:

  • Provide overall leadership to the NGO sector and civil society as a whole.
  • Champion the values of probity, transparency, accountability, justice and good governance.
  • Mandated to present all its members.
  • Enhance self-regulation to its members and the adherence to the rule of law.
  • Assist them to realize their potential in providing services that improve the social economic status of the Kenyan society in pursuit of sustainable development and a just and equitable society regardless of gender, race, nationality, religious or any other inclination.

Role Of Ngo Council
The NGO Council Strives to:

  • Provide overall leadership to the NGO sector and civil society as a whole.
  • Champion the values of probity, transparency, accountability, justice and good governance.
  • Mandated to present all its members.
  • Enhance self-regulation to its members and the adherence to the rule of law.
  • Assist them to realize their potential in providing services that improve the social economic status of the Kenyan society in pursuit of sustainable development and a just and equitable society regardless of gender, race, nationality, religious or any other inclination

Objectives of The Council

  • To promote creation and maintenance of an enabling environment in order to effectively contribute to effectively and equitable sustainable development.
  • Provide forum and build effective network for promoting dialogue, collaboration, learning experiences and information.
  • Strengthen organizational, operational and conceptual properties of its constituents to enable effective and efficient independent operations.
  • To champion and defend the rights its constituency in all matters.
  • Influence public policy in relation to its constituency.
  • Create public awareness on its role and responsibilities.
  • To represent its constituency on local, international and national levels.


The membership is drawn from the registered NGOs in Kenya, both locally and internationally.

The Members are encouraged to file returns with The NGOs Coordination Boards, comply with necessary regulations and pay necessary annual subscriptions to the Membership Body.


The NGO council‘s coverage has been divided into 12 regions in Kenya divided as follows.

Coast Region Mombasa, Kilifi, Lamu, Kwale Tana River ,Taita Taveta
Nyanza North Region Homabay,Siaya ,Kisumu
Nyanza South Region Nyamira, Kisii, Migori
Nairobi RegionNairobi
Central RegionNyeri, Kirinyaga, Kiambu, Muranga, Nyandarua
South Rift RegionBomet, Narok, Kericho, Kajiado
Central Rift Region Nakuru, Baringo, Laikipia, Samburu
Western RegionKakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, Busia
Upper Eastern Region Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Isiolo, Embu
Lower Eastern Makueni, Machakos, Kitui
North Rift Region Turkana, Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot, Nandi, Uasin-gishu
Northern Kenya Region Mandela, Wajir, Garissa


The Council has the following operational committees

Executive Committee /Directors (National Chairman,Vice-chairperson and 12 Regional Representatives).

The leadership is expected to by example and work with the NGOs Coordination Board and other stakeholders to steer the NGO/CSO  sector forward.

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Stephen Kipchumba Cheboi
Stephen Kipchumba CheboiNational Chairman
Stephen Kipchumba Cheboi
Stephen Kipchumba CheboiNational Chairman

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We exist to preserve, strengthen and promote voluntary action and self regulation of NGOs sector in pursuit of a just, equitable and sustainable development in Kenya.

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Find Us

The National Council of NGOs
Nyayo House,16th Floor, Rooms 19, 23 & 24.
P.O Box 58786-00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

Telephone Numbers: 0202 211761  |  0721 843 924 
0722 450 798
Mobile Numbers: 0733 298 969  |  0732 300 072
020 271 5259
E-mail: info@ngocouncilofkenya.org


The Non-Governmental Organizations Council of Kenya exist to preserve, strengthen and promote voluntary action and self regulation of NGOs sector in pursuit of a just, equitable and sustainable development in Kenya. We are established under The Non-governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act, (Laws of Kenya) with a mandate of self Regulation, Capacity building and policy intervention for the NGOs Sector. We celebrate our outstanding 30 years of charitable community service in Kenya.
