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NGO Council Peace Message

NGO Council Peace Message

The National Council of NGOs calls for peace among Kenyans across all the counties, wards etc. Campaigns should be done peacefully and leaders should go on ensuring that there is peace.
Kenyans are encouraged to elect leaders with integrity as we are the final say to our nation. We should elect what we want to see good and potential leaders who will bring changes and development in the country. Kenyans have the final say in terms of election.
The Caucus of Religious Leaders stand with Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Peace in this nation is peace to other nations. Let us take the initiative of making sure that all parameter of peace are maintained.
Women are joining hands with the youths to advocate for peace. Say no to leaders with self interest. Let Kenyans should vote peaceful and go back home and standing with peace.
The IEBC kenyans have entrusted you with the election process. They count on you for transparency.
Dear kenyans let us accept the outcome of the elections .

Find Us

The National Council of NGOs
Nyayo House,16th Floor, Rooms 19, 23 & 24.
P.O Box 58786-00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

Telephone Numbers: 0202 211761  |  0721 843 924 
0722 450 798
Mobile Numbers: 0733 298 969  |  0732 300 072
020 271 5259
E-mail: info@ngocouncilofkenya.org


The Non-Governmental Organizations Council of Kenya exist to preserve, strengthen and promote voluntary action and self regulation of NGOs sector in pursuit of a just, equitable and sustainable development in Kenya. We are established under The Non-governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act, (Laws of Kenya) with a mandate of self Regulation, Capacity building and policy intervention for the NGOs Sector. We celebrate our outstanding 30 years of charitable community service in Kenya.
