• 0721 843 924
  • 0722 450 798
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These are some of the plans that we have put in place in the coming months as we strengthen working relationship with Partners and our membership. 

  1. Work closely and support the work of the NGOs Coordination Board and the Ministry.
  2. Re-branding of the Organization to meet the demands of the growing sector.
  3. Finalization of the draft and re-Launching of 5 Year Strategic plans 2020-2023.
  4. Consensus building among the Members and support to our NGOs Membership for a team work.
  5. Regional and County Visits to sensitize the Membership on key priority areas of development and promote self-regulation for the NGO sector
  6. Visit the Member NGOs at the County levels and promote interactions with County NGOs Forum.
  7. Enhancing sensitization and support for the Building Bridges initiative (BBI) by H.E the President Uhuru Kenyatta and former prime minister Leader Raila Odinga and other leaders to cement the Kenyan relationship.
  8. Mobilizations of NGOs and other community based groups across Kenya to enhance campaign.
  9. Seeking close working relationship with Government agencies, development partners and donor agencies to support the work of NGOs at grassroots.
  10. Participating in partner and stakeholders meeting/Forums
  11. Enhancing Fundraising activities and strategies for the Organization.
  12. Induction /Capacity retreat for the Members of the Leaders and Members of the Organization
  13. Enhance Planning Meetings and retreats for the Member Organizations.
  14. Strengthening our County NGOs Networks and regional Networks.
  15. Championing implementations of sustainable development Goals
  16. Lobbying and advocacy on policy interventions  and an enabling environment for NGOs and CSOs in Kenya
  17. Campaign against Poverty, inequalities and climate change issues around the country.
  18. National awareness and pushing for implementation of sustainable development Agenda.
  19. NGOs awareness, sensitizations our internal the rules and regulations, other statutory laws and regulations that Govern the NGOs/CSOs sector.
  20. Engaging the County Government to enhance close working relationship with Member NGOs at County levels.
  21. Joining the UN Bodies, Government of Kenya to Mark international designated days.
  22. Intervene and sharing our opinions on issues of National interests.

Find Us

The National Council of NGOs
Nyayo House,16th Floor, Rooms 19, 23 & 24.
P.O Box 58786-00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

Telephone Numbers: 0202 211761  |  0721 843 924 
0722 450 798
Mobile Numbers: 0733 298 969  |  0732 300 072
020 271 5259
E-mail: info@ngocouncilofkenya.org


The Non-Governmental Organizations Council of Kenya exist to preserve, strengthen and promote voluntary action and self regulation of NGOs sector in pursuit of a just, equitable and sustainable development in Kenya. We are established under The Non-governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act, (Laws of Kenya) with a mandate of self Regulation, Capacity building and policy intervention for the NGOs Sector. We celebrate our outstanding 30 years of charitable community service in Kenya.
